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Here I am in Peace Corps Guatemala... I would like to share my experiences with those back home and elsewhere with this online journal. Please post comments and question if you have any. Any mail can be sent to: Grace Hansen PCV Cuerpo de Paz Apartado Postal 33 Chimaltenango, Chimaltenango, 4001 Guatemala, Centro América Or I can be reached by telephone: 011.502.5384.4287 or skype: grace.anna ¡Besos!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Here are some photos of the delicious Pulike I learned to make with the women's group.
I later tried to replicate the recipe as a vegeterian version but was made with disaster. I boiled the vegetables together and poured them into my hardly used, nearly new, fancy, glass blender. I then lifted the blender (full of boiling hot veggies and water) onto the blender base but when I did so, the entire bottom of the blender fell out and the scalding contents slattered onto the floor and all over my feet. Ouch. It seems that somehow my very new blender is completely cracked on the bottom and therefor has been rendered useless. Apparently they sell the plastic bottom part somewhere here but I doubt it will be easy to find...

After my initial rage, I cleaned up, went to the store, and tried again. I made the veggie broth with success and then decided to get tricky and add some lentils and chick peas. This turned out to be a fantastic recipe and I will include it below. Just be sure all your hardware is working properly and of sound consrtuction.

1 red pepper
3 tomatoes
1/2 large carrot
1/4 onion
Fresh Cilantro
Fresh Yerba Buena (or mint)
Bay Leaf (whole or powder)
1 cup Lentils
1 cup Chick Peas
1 tablespoon diced onion
1 tablespoon grated coconut
1 tablespoon grated ginger (fresh)
1/2 cup plain yogurt

Boil the red pepper, tomato, carrot, and onion with a little salt to taste. Place them in a functional blender and blend until smoothe. Meanwhile, cook the lentils and chick pease together with plenty of water so they don't burn. Add salt, pepper, cumin, curry, and bay leaf to taste. Take them off the stove when the chickpeas are still snappy, not mushy like baby food.
In a large pot, sauté the 1 tablespoon of diced onion, ginger and coconut with a tiny bit of oil until a little brown. Mix in the veggie puré and delightful bean mixture. Heat on low and continue adding spices as you wish. Once you are satisfied with the flavor, I recommend chopping up a little more fresh cilantro and yerba buena and adding it in. The very last thing to add is the 1/2 cup of plain yogurt.

¡Buen Provecho!

Also, here are some photos from an architecture project I did with some kids from one school. They had to research and build a model of a famous building and they all come out really well! They were all so serious in the first photos that I commanded them to make a silly face for the second...

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