To all the Mamás out there and especially my own! Here are some photos and some updates from this weekend...

Rosa making tortillas by handTo all the Mamás out there and especially my own! Here are some photos and some updates from this weekend...
This was our assignment on Friday... To make Día de la Madre cards for our Doñas
Rosa collecting eggs
Rosa taught me how to make tortillas. I taught her how to make them into fun shapes like Micky Mouse or a heart. She thought this was pretty funny....
This little girl was so cute. I met her at the wedding. She was a cousin of the bride and she really took a liking to me. At one point she looked up at me and said, "Your eyes... are like, pure honey!" It was probably the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me and yet coming from a 10 year-old girl it was not at all romantic. Pretty funny...
This is probably my proudest day... On Sunday I learned how to wash my own clothes in the Pila. It is quite a long process and also a good workout.
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